Development and validation of the Post-Vacation Work Adjustment Scale (P-VWAS): Study of a Portuguese sample

Cátia Sousa, Gabriela Gonçalves

Accepted December 31, 2020

First published December 31, 2020


The objective of this research is to develop a scale of post-vacation work adjustment and test its factorial structure and psychometric properties. By carrying out two studies (n = 232 and n = 332), the results allow to obtain a scale composed of 19 items and two dimensions (Organizational adjustment and Work-life balance). The scale showed good values of internal consistency and acceptable adjustment indexes. The scale showed predictive validity on the productivity level and concentration degree on the first day of return to work after vacations. The scale proved to be invariant between genders and in relation to the time of return from vacation. Additional studies are needed to reinforce and adjust the scale, which is a contribution to understanding the process of adjusting to work after vacations. The identification of the employee’s adjustment degree will allow the definition of a set of measures and strategies for their optimization in the organizations’ work contexts.


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Sousa Cátia . Gonçalves Gabriela . Development and validation of the Post-Vacation Work Adjustment Scale (P-VWAS): Study of a Portuguese sample. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2020;289(1):34-48.

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Author Surname Author Initial. Title. Publication Title. Year Published;Volume number(Issue number):Pages Used. doi:DOI Number.

Sousa Cátia . Gonçalves Gabriela . Development and validation of the Post-Vacation Work Adjustment Scale (P-VWAS): Study of a Portuguese sample. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2020;289(1):34-48.