The Italian version of the Job Crafting Scale (JCS)

Roberto Cenciotti, Laura Borgogni, Antonino Callea, Laura Colombo, Claudio Giovanni Cortese, Emanuela Ingusci, Mariella Miraglia, Margherita Zito

Accepted December 30, 2016

First published December 30, 2016


Job crafting refers to actions carried out by workers in order to bring their job demands and job resources at a preferred level. Crafting behaviors are measured by the Dutch Job Crafting Scale (JCS). The Italian version of the JCS includes the following three positive factors: increasing structural job resources, social job resources and challenging job demands. To assess the factorial validity of the scale, an exploratory factor analysis (N=311) and confirmatory factor analyses (N=410) were performed. Convergent and criterion validity were investigated through correlations with other variables. Factor analyses showed a good three-factor structure, in line with the literature. Moreover, as expected, job crafting behaviors were correlated with work self-efficacy, work engagement and job performance. Results suggest that the Italian version of the JCS can be reliably used to measure job crafting.


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Author Surname Author Initial. Title. Publication Title. Year Published;Volume number(Issue number):Pages Used. doi:DOI Number.

Cenciotti Roberto. Borgogni Laura. Callea Antonino. Colombo Laura . Cortese Claudio Giovanni. Ingusci Emanuela. Miraglia Mariella. Zito Margherita. The Italian version of the Job Crafting Scale (JCS). BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2016;277(1):28-36.

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Author Surname Author Initial. Title. Publication Title. Year Published;Volume number(Issue number):Pages Used. doi:DOI Number.

Cenciotti Roberto. Borgogni Laura. Callea Antonino. Colombo Laura . Cortese Claudio Giovanni. Ingusci Emanuela. Miraglia Mariella. Zito Margherita. The Italian version of the Job Crafting Scale (JCS). BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin. 2016;277(1):28-36.